Paul Jackson (Israel)

"(…) I love the simplicity of folding: just paper and hands, no tools. It is perhaps the most basic of all creative activities, yet endlessly complex and still understandable for anybody of any age or any culture. For me, the process of folding is just as important as the final piece.
My latest series of folded pieces, begun in 1996, is based on the occurrence of ‘the fold’ in nature, particularly as the mechanism by which organisms grow, or ‘unfold’. The resemblance of my work to shells, seeds, bacteria, etc, is not accidental. (…) Thus, for me, ‘the fold’ is a metaphor for growth, not a technique for making a representational model, as is the convention in model-making origami.

[ Artist Website ]

From: Timeless Paper, Leiden 2002 © Compres Publishers Ltd

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