HPB 2006 Information
Kathrin Biffi (Switzerland) Marian Bijlenga (the Netherlands) Valerie Buess (Germany) Beate Dyck (Germany) Carol Farrow (England) Toshihiro Hattori (Japan) Martine Horstman (the Netherlands) Michael Felix Langer (Germany) Chunghie Lee (Korea) Couzijn van Leeuwen (the Netherlands)
Alexander Lidagowski (Ukraine) Vibeke Lindhardt (Denmark) Shula Litan (Israel) Steve Litsios (Switzerland) Roberto Mannino (Italy) Ruth Moro (Switzerland) Jacqueline Santing (the Netherlands) Bunny Soeters (the Netherlands) Fusako Tsuzuki (Japan) Jan Eric Visser (the Netherlands)

Valerie Buess

Since her earliest childhood Valerie Buess has been fascinated by the immeasurable number of varieties of paper in everyday life. She is a passionate collector of hidden treasures that occur both in nature and in the world of paper. In her works of art she processes all kinds of used paper from everyday life, such as newspapers, magazines, telephone directories, old boxes, filter paper and wrapping paper. It is rolled, pasted, sewn, folded, wrinkled, woven and cut, which creates new pieces. These pieces are composed into a larger and more complex whole that often seems to have been created organically.

Cloud 2 (2002)
Material: old and new paper.
(photo: Michael Gleim)